Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Read at your own RISK

I have discovered I love the game RISK. While I am not particularly good or bad at it, it's just loads of fun. Making threats, waging war, collaborating, devising strategies and counter strategies, watching for signs of opponents plans, preemptive strikes, reactive strikes, blood lust, and all out mayhem. I LOVE IT! It's fun even when you lose! We play it on our lunch breaks. Bob the Devious has me hooked on it. I may quit grad school and become an Olympic RISK player. Let the Games commence!

Oh, and my Notre Dame UNO cards are awesome also. The Notre Dame Euchre cards, too. I wonder if there's a Notre Dame version of RISK... I wonder what the other regions would be... Michigan Swampland, Air Force Plane Cemeteries, USC Used Condoms Garbage Dump... hmmm.... ;)


Saria_Gates said...

I know that there's Irishopoly and ND Trivial Pursuit. ;)

Shelley said...

I need those!