Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Been busy

So, I've been really busy with work and baby prep. My research has hit a small snag, but I'm getting close to finding the error. In fact, I think that the error occurs at the limits of our code, where we can't run the simulations anymore anyway, so that makes sense. But I have to triple check to be sure. Damn coding. Baby stuff is going well. We put up the crib and by way of necessities we have basically everything except the car seat. Baby is head down and big, but the doctor said there's no imminent risk of labor, but I could have him anywhere from two weeks to seven weeks from now. The baby shower prep is in high gear. Poor JB and Li'l B. It came as a shock that it needed to happen so soon, just in case. Hopefully JB and JG will be in town when the baby's born. Now watch, just because we're ready early, he's going to back off and wait to be born. ;) Whatever he needs to be healthy is what I want, but I'm sure tired of walking around being tired and having elephant feet and numb hands. Oh, well. He's so worth it. It's nice too that I'm rarely alone. With Mama and Husband around, they help me a lot and make sure I rest. Otherwise, I'd be too stressed and not as healthy. Husband makes sure I get enough fruit and massages, and Mama takes care of the meat and veggies. :)