Thursday, March 08, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Murphy is getting really big. He's almost as big as Kelsey now. She loves it! She really likes having another big dog who will play with her. Brandy wouldn't play with her because she was too rough, but Murphy doesn't mind. She's more gentle with him than she was with Brandy. Murphy is my boy. He loves to just sit with me and snuggle. I love that. He likes to sit with Tigger also. Tigger loves having him hang out with her. Alex is a little put out. He doesn't like the challenge to his dominance, but he does like it when Murphy follows him around and plays with him. Murphy does challenge him for the lead. When Murphy growls at Alex over the food dish (his own) we don't allow that. He has to know there will be no eating out of other bowls, and no one will eat out of his bowl, either.

I haven't had time for any knitting or crochet or quilting in a long time. How am I going to keep my marbles? I'm not, so I guess there's the answer to that.

My Darling and I were in a computer programming contest. We took second! Nice. I was pretty psyched to do well since I don't program in C++, and so that was all on My Turtle. However, my mad math skills saved the day and helped us take second.

I've decided I like sushi, but only as made by my friend Julie. She makes the best sushi I've ever had! There's no yucky "fishy" smell or taste, and no icky rubbery-yet-slimey crap. *Shudder* And I'm not the only one. A number of friends agree that Julie is the Sushi Making Queen!

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