Monday, June 25, 2007

Human Nature

require this level of violence to rid oneself of "nuisances" that were once easy to cast off without penalty? In previous eras, men could simply abandon wives and children without any repercussions. Now there's child support and alimony. Are these Okay. What the hell is going on with the world? This month alone there have been numerous reports of men killing their families. Seriously, what the hell? Why is it that when a family dies, it's always the husband/father who did it? Why are these men killing the people they supposedly love? Is society becoming more violent? Has this sort of behavior always existed, and only now becoming more widely reported? I know in other cultures men killing wives and/or children for reasons of honor is accepted, but that's not supposed to be a part of ours. And yet it happens regularly. Is this something that occurred as often before the present day, but was overlooked by a patriarchal and hierarchical society? Or does the lack of hierarchical institutions that protect us also put us at greater risk? Some say our society is losing it's morality. But when did we have this higher morality? When rich men and nobles could rape the staff (male and female staff) without compunction? When men would abandon their wives and children and marry again in another place? When men could beat their wives and children without fear of chastisement (unless the woman had strong/rich brothers)? Some say we are becoming desensitized to violence with all our video games and violent movies. What about our wars? What about in the past when we had wars and patriarchy that allowed (even at times encouraged) violence against women and children? Are we any better off now that 500 years ago? We have laws to help punish the violent ones and to punish those who try to avoid responsibility. For some those laws are a deterrent, for others it's a reason to do more violence. Why is it so much more likely to be killed by a lover/spouse/parent/child than a stranger? Why is it the people we love most are the ones most likely to kill us? It seems very hard to believe that we are more violent now than in the past. But that begs another question. Where does this latent violence come from? Is it human nature? Well, regardless of whether it's human nature, or human nurture, humans suck. Violent humans suck. The ones that killed themselves along with their families did us all a favor by saving us the trial. The ones that didn't kill themselves also, need to be killed. And not painlessly. They need to suffer in retribution. For those who say the death penalty is too cruel, I'm glad it's cruel. That's why they got the death penalty, because no other form of justice was good enough to prevent further crimes or to make retribution for the crimes already committed. Humans suck.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Your ability to expand from a finite number of examples to all humans sucks. Also, there has been a non-zero number of mothers who have killed off their own children. Your anger-driven blog post sucks.

(earlier post edited for spelling)

Unknown said...

Also, your attempt to compare our society today to other societies in the past is incorrect. Advanced technology is not equal to advanced morality. Evil occurs no matter what system is in place. The only thing that can stop evil is other humans.

Shelley said...

I do not exclude women killing their children as being as evil an act as a man killing his children and wife. I was commenting on the fact that men killing their families is a more common event than women killing their children. Using our society and it's proportion of violent people as a model for human behavior is a rational and logical step. I never said greater technology was equivalent to greater morality. I was attempting to address that ridiculous notion as it is often expressed as an explanation for modern violence. It is up to humans to stop other humans from doing violent things. This is not, however, something that happens very often. Too often people turn a blind eye because it's "none of their business". That is a serious flaw in those humans and in our society.