Sunday, June 25, 2006

They Miss Me

I talked to Mama this morning, and she said my Alex really misses me. He hasn't wanted to eat and was vomiting this morning, which he does when the world is just not right in the world according to Ally. So she put him on the phone so he would hear me talk to him, and he whimpered and huffed and puffed into the phone. He then gave Mama a look of supreme happiness, and all was right with the world. So then Kelsey was put on the phone. I heard her huffling and panting also. She didn't look particularly depressed before, but after talking to me, she gave Mama a look of peace and satisfaction. Next came Tigger, and she listened and panted to me as I cooed to her. She also smiled beneficently at Mama. So my babies were worried that I wouldn't come back. I don't think they could handle losing another pack member right now, so thankfully they don't and are thrilled to pieces to know I'm out there somewhere. (Does anyone else hear Over the Rainbow in the background?) It's good to know that my babies miss me as much as I miss them.

Alex before:

Alex After:

Kelsey Before:

Kelsey After:

Tigger Before:

Tigger After:

1 comment:

Saria_Gates said...

Awwww. They look so happy after talking to you! :)