Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Hair, and a Near Miss Drowning

So this is my new hair cut. I really like it. I guess it's kind of hard to see in this pose, but it's really nice, and I look years younger. Woohoo! It's a shoulder length bob with chucky layers. I have to straighten it, because my hair is wavy, and like with curly hair, brushing it makes the waves poof out and get frizzy. Hate that! Thankfully straightening doesn't take much time. It's just the back I need to work on doing. Annie cut it for me. Isn't she awesome?!

She took some photos so I could send one to Mama. I tried to get one of the artiste responsible for my new image, but she escaped my watchful eye. Sneaky girl!

It's been so hot here lately! It's been around 108 for the past 5 days. Miserable! I end up going to the pool several times in a day, so that helps keep me cool. :) We went to the weekly bbq, which was moved to Tuesday instead of Thursday due to Bible Study. Kevin and I argued about whether or not the Universe can be considered infinite. I said no, and he said yes. His arguement was that you could never reach a boundary and therefore it was infinite. I said it was finite because there is a limit of the fabric of space time, which is the expanding spacetime as defined by the Big Bang. I said we may not be able to find it, but there will come a point where we are passing through previously travel regions without having changed our direction of travel. The whole, we live in a torus idea. His response was that a circle has no end, and is therefore infinite and has no boundary, and hence the same with space and time. Afterwards we went to the pool, and Ian tried to drown me several times. Kevin and Mike were much better about playing keep away and didn't try to drown me. :) Yay for being alive!


Saria_Gates said...

That guy is trying to think about it like a mathematician or a philosopher (i.e. he's trying to sound smart). He's not actually thinking about the physical universe. Drives me crazy talking to people like that. The argument with the circle bothers me. Sure, you could walk along the circumference of a circle till kingdom come, but that just like with the universe, you'll eventually come to an area that you've seen before. That's why the circumference of a circle is finite. It's the maximum distance along the line that you can travel without coming back to the beginning. So, where he gets that it's infinite, I'll never know. On top of that, he's forgeting a whole dimension. Travel along a radius, you'll find a boundary very quickly. How do you counteract that? Go to a higher dimension. Then you have a sphere (or cylinder). Same thing, there's a dimension that has a boundary. Go to a higher dimension...same thing. Ad infinitum. Actually, this is why the mathematicians' argument that the Universe has at least four spatial dimensions makes sense. Consider the analogy of amoebas living in a two dimensional world. These amoebas measure the temperature of their universe and find that it is more or less uniform throughout. Now, these amoebas also know that they had a "big bang" which started their universe. They consider all geometries for which a big bang would give a uniform temperature. They find that no two dimensional geometries work, but you can easily do it in three di mensions. The point is, if you want the Universe to be a certain temperature, you have to be at a certain radius on the hypersphere. Interestingly though, I once went to a lecture by a mathematician in which he said the Universe is infinite. The thing is that he had no excuse because by that point, we had long sense provided compelling evidence for the Big Bang. Just goes to show you that mathematicians don't pay any attention to scientific evidence.

Shelley said...

Haha! Well, I think he's an engineer, so what can you do? All non-astro physicists are as misinformed about the universe and non-physicists, unfortunately.